Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where, Oh Where Can My Baby Be?!

Milestone warning. Grab your tissues.

Okay, so I didn't actually cry, but I wanted to!

Last night before my nephew's 3rd (oh my gosh!) birthday celebration at Chuck E. Cheese, Aaron, Landon, and I trekked around to a few furniture stores, Target, and Wally World.

After tossing the idea around for a bit, we ended up buying a new bed for Landon. We went with a toddler bed, and figure since it wasn't too expensive, we'll use that to transition to a larger bed a little later.

Landon kept telling us it was "too big" while it was in the cart (to be fair, the box was pretty long), and that he didn't like it. We paid for it anyway, and after our nephew's little "party," went home to put it together. Why don't they just sell the durn things already put together (Yes, I said durn. No, that was not a typo.)?! There are a million little parts to keep track of while trying to put it together with a toddler running around. Not cool. As we were putting it together, I was thinking about the first time we put him in his crib (Night one home from the hospital!):

He's come a long way from that itty bitty (Ha! 9lb 5oz!) newborn we fell in love with!

Now he's a walking (running), talking, handsome (still!), sweet little big boy who sleeps in a toddler bed!

He actually did better than I expected last night - since it was the first night in his new bed, we moved our little TV in there and put his favorite movie on (Toy Story) so he could get used to the smaller bed.

After giving goodnight kisses and squeezes ("hugs" to you common folk) to Mommy and Daddy, he settled in for the night. He did ask me to sit down in his room as I was leaving, so I did - but just for a couple of minutes. Then, I got up and told him I would be back to check on him in a few minutes. He called for me for a minute, but then got engrossed in his movie again.

Aaron and I went back to check on him a while later, and found him conked out:

So, being the wonderful parents that we are, we used Aaron's phone with the flash on it to take a picture! :) No worries though, he didn't wake up. We left a pillow and blanket next to the bed, just in case he fell out (off?) - I'll probably leave those for a while...

Landon did wake up a couple times early this morning, but one of those times was when he would normally wake up anyway. I was so concerned he would fall out of the bed, or be scared, but for a first night in his big boy bed, he did GREAT! I'm so proud of him!!

I'm really trying to savor all of these moments and milestones with him. They are all just passing by so quickly. Can I get a rewind button?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drumroll, Please...

Oh, wait! You don't know what the drumroll is for!!!
That's because I've been a lazy blogger. Still love me? (Umm... don't answer that.)
So, what is the drumroll for? I'm so glad you asked! In case you weren't aware, October is Down Syndrome Awareness month (let me make you "aware" hehe). We celebrate every year at our local Buddy Walk - put on by our local Down Syndrome League and the National Down Syndrome Society. We have a team that was put together to support and raise money in honor of my niece, Lauren, who has Down Syndrome.

We call ourselves "Lauren's Love Patrol" - and this year, we set a big goal! In the past, we have done bake sales, sold candles, sold car air fresheners, etc. etc. etc. to raise money for our team to turn in to help the DSLV (local league) and NDSS raise awareness for inclusion for those individuals with Down Syndrome. We have done well with all of these fundraisers, but just felt like we could do more.

We decided on doing a donation campaign amongst family and friends, coworkers, and on Facebook. A goal of $4000 was set, since Lauren turned 4 years old this year.
As an extra incentive for those donating, it was decided that if the goal was met, two certain people would get a pie to the face. Since it happened to be my idea, I got suckered into being one of those volunteers. My sister (and Lauren's mom), Morgan, would be the other pie-to-face recipient if we reached the goal.  
Lauren (with a little help) would arguably be the cutest kiddo ever to put a pie in someone's face - of course, that is if we reached the $4000 goal.

Oh yeah, so, back to the drumroll!!! We started off with small donations, and then started receiving some bigger donations as well. Morgan created this nifty little ribbon to color in to show the progress on our goal: 

Well... guess what?! We have something to cheer about!!!
We met our goal of $4000!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! So far, our grand total is..... $4,214.00 -- By far the most our team has ever raised! And we still have a few donations coming in. There's definitely time left if anyone else would like to make a donation as well. Dad says if we reach $5000, he'll take a pie in the face as well!
If you would like to make a donation, just let me know, and I'll tell you how. Also, a BIG THANK YOU to all of the friends and family who have donated so far! You guys are all such great blessings!!
If you are going to be in Victoria this Saturday and need something to do, come and join Dsl Victoria and take part in our 4th annual Buddy Walk at Riverside Park (by Rosebud Stadium) from 8-2. Wristbands for the bounce houses and games are only $5 each.
Plus, you can watch Morgan and I (and possibly our Dad) get a pie to the face - in person!
(P.S. - I really like exclamation points huh? :) hehe)